Emoji Review
This can be a great activity to get students to recap and revise any topic. Students stick the emoji review sheet into their books and annotate the emojis linking them to the topic they have been studying. Students have to think about what they have learnt to make the links. For example for a topic on the USA, the Beer would link to Prohibition and students would then describe key features of prohibition, including key dates, people, causes, consequences etc. For a medicine through time topic the slot machine emoji could represent the factor of luck, and students would subsequently explain how luck impacted the development of medicine. This can be repeated for multiple units as the images allow for a wide scope of topics but you can easily switch and change some of the emojis to make it more relevant. The task could be extended by challenging Students to make links between the different points they have made for different emojis.
This can work as a quick starter activity, a homework, or longer extended task, but each approach works well as they all get students to consolidate their knowledge. I wouldn’t do this task all the time but it’s a nice way to break up revision. I think it works well as one of many different revision and lesson tactics. Want the resource? Click here.

Emoji Roll and Recap
Similarly, this task was created as a revision activity and is a great way to start a revision session as it gets students testing each other. Students roll their dice to choose which emoji they need to link in someway to something they have learnt about e.g the Ship could link to the Spanish Armada or the baby emoji could link to the succession crisis. Students take it in turns rolling the dice and describing and explaining their link, if they land on the same one as someone else they need to think of a different connection. Working in small groups helps students revise and check that the answers are correct. It is also important that you monitor the activity to ensure they are making the correct links. I found it worked well with students who needed visualize prompts and it then allowed them to begin explaining and describing in more detail. (Get the resource here)

Recap Starter
Rather than having just a question or key word to define, use emojis as a recap starter, students have to link the emoji to something they have previously learnt. It can lead to a wider recap with students choosing a different line of thinking than you intended. Alongside the task I use questioning to help assess wider understanding etc. I think that is the main thing about using emojis is that they can have a great impact if used correctly and with a specific aim in mind.

Emoji Exit Ticket
This is one that I haven't used before but have seen being used by other colleagues. Students have to choose an emoji that represents how the lesson has made them feel. Were they shocked by something? Has something made them think? Have they like a particular topic or task. Students then have to explain their choice. What I like about the example below is also the section that asks students to sum up what they have learnt in the lesson, this allows you to check for any misconceptions.